First, dark called the hatchling turtle
Moonlight laid its line across the horizon
The hatchling broke through its shell
And emerged from the sand
Then, came moonlight’s turn to cast its line,
Pulling the frantic hatchling to the shore
Until the hatchling felt the water wash over it
The dark quieted, the moon released the hatchling to the water
The hatchling began to feel a pull within its own body
Elsewhere, the mouth of the river called out to the salmon she had once breathed life into
"Come home to me. It’s our time"
The salmon swam towards her voice
Echoing out over and over
Until it was only a whisper reverberating in the salmon’s body
The river mouth inhaled
Swallowing the salmon into the body of land
Sucking the salmon into the stomach where it once grew
In the stomach of the land, the salmon dissolved before being born anew
Above the body of land, the newly born queen waited for the call of the sun
The nurses who reared her grew impatient and nipped at her to say,
“It’s your turn to care for us. It’s your time.”
And at the sun’s first whisper, the queen went to her
On fragile and untested wings, she was born into the air
And flew until she arrived at a river of bodies,
Suspended in the air just like her
Then, the river current moved towards her
Pouring their lives into her newly formed body
Then, disintegrating
The queen returned to her hive
The nurses ushered her in and she began her work
Walking across a network of intersecting lines forming identical cells
And in each cell, she placed a life
A drone, a worker, a queen
An egg which grew into a larva and eventually, emerged from its cell
Each life surfaced at its own time
Each life with duties to fulfill to each other life
Each life intersecting and repeating
I close my eyes and try to listen
I place my hand on my chest, touch my neck,
My skin is soft and I feel the warmth of life underneath
My body starts to listen, a murmur quieter than my own breathing
Standing on my feet, I focus on the murmur and where it calls me
I listen for the voices of the sun and the moon,
the voices of the rivers and the oceans,
the sound of the bodies around me and the body I’m in
I begin to move
Toward light, toward water, toward the pull